Thursday, December 17, 2009

My First Attempt

Hi all!
I have decided that it's time for me to start a blog. It's so hard to keep up with keeping everybody updated so I figured this would be the best way to do it. Be patient, I'm new at this! :-)

As most of you know, we moved back home to Illinois at the end of September. I love being back around all our family and old friends. I do, however, miss our friends from the Detroit area. Living there for 10 years we made friends that we call family and not being around to see them all the time or talk to them can be hard at times. If you are one of those people, we love you and miss you and can't wait to see you again! Thank you for all the years you stepped in as 'family' to us when ours was so far away.
Well as you can see, Mason didn't much care for good ol' Santa this year! He actually thought he was pretty cool when Dominic was holding him, but once he was placed on Santa's lap it was all downhill from there! The photographer lady said to me 'are you sure you want to buy this picture?' I said absolutely! This picture is classic and I will be glad we have this years from now.

We are doing great. I'm looking forward to being home for Christmas this year. We haven't been with family on Christmas since before I was even pregnant with Mason. It's long over due.

Today we spent the day with my Grandma and Step-Dad Neil. Mom dropped them off on her way to work and she came back after work and had dinner with us. Mason sure loved having everyone around! Him and his Grandpa Neil were jamming up a storm with their harmonicas. Somehow Mason ended up getting him to actually GIVE him the real one to keep! So now he has 2! Grandma and I played some cards while Mason napped. She beat me (of course) at one game 5 times. At that point she said let's play something else! I ended up winning at that, but I'm not totally convinced she didn't 'let' that happen! I wish Mom could have been here for the whole day with us, but it was nice to just be able to have her come here for dinner. All this family time is something that we're not used to since we lived so far away from everyone for 10 years! I love it. I love being able to see our families whenever we want. I love being able to have them be a part of Mason's life. And I love the feeling of belonging.

Well, Mason has now gone to the snack cabinet 4 times. I suppose that means it's time for me to get off of here before he actually manages to get something open! If he was so hungry he should have eaten his dinner! And that, my friends, is a story for a whole different blog some other day. :-) I look forward to everyone checking this out from time to time to see how we are doing. It's time to go sing a 'night night' song to my lil' man and kiss him goodnight. Toodles.


  1. :) Love it Amy! I miss little Mason (who's not so little anymore) and you of course too :)

    I'm telling you, we should make use of both of us living in IL and meet half-way sometime next semester before I move out of IL :)
