Monday, February 1, 2010

Laurie Berkner and the waterpark

Hey all, I know it's been way too long since I've blogged. Sorry about that!

Well, let's see, what's been going on? We went to the Chicago area back on January 16 to take Mason to see The Laurie Berkner band in concert. I'm sure most of you may not know who she is, but Mason LOVES her. She is on his cartoon channel and he also has a DVD of hers that has her music videos and he always dances and plays his guitar right along with her! The concert was a lot of fun. He had such a great time! He did, however, have a meltdown before the show started when we got to our seats and he looked up on stage and saw the set complete with about 50 balloons! Needless to say he thought they belonged to him and he was trying with all his might to get to them. Once Laurie came out and started singing he forgot about his troubles and proceeded to have a ball! I must say, although it was a concert for kids, it was one of the most fun I've ever had at a concert. It was so neat to see all the parents singing and dancing right along with the kids. Us parents know the songs just as well as the kids since we listen to them all the time also! Ha! And yes, in case you're wondering, the concert was a pajama party.... that's why he's in his pj's!
After the concert ended we stayed in the area for the night at a huge indoor waterpark/hotel. Mason sure loves water! He was running all around the place yelling "slide! slide!" He looks like such a big kid in his little swim trunks. Where did my tiny baby go?!
Well that's all for now. I hope to get on here later tonight or tomorrow and blog about the rest of our kitchen remodel.... I'm waiting on pictures to be able to be taken.


  1. Oh my gosh Amy! He's so adorable!! Sounds like you guys had a really good time! Great pics. I know who Laurie is because of Peyton. Haha.


  2. Well hello "Spot"! At first I was like who is this... and then I looked at your profile.. duh! I should have done that in the first place!
